IT Consultancy

With IT at the heart of most organisations today, it’s critical to get your IT planning, design and implementation right – whether you are starting from scratch, reviewing what already exists or instigating changes and enhancements.

We can provide the IT expertise needed to undertake or assist with planning and implementation of IT strategy and projects, from one-off advice and guidance to complete network design and installation.

Our knowledge and experience is based on an in-depth understanding of IT and its application in real-life situations.  

Among the solutions we offer as part of a package or as stand-alone services are:

IT Audit

We can undertake analysis of your existing infrastructure, services, processes and functions for inventory purposes, or to evaluate and benchmark against industry standards and best practice.       

IT Advice

We can listen to your requirements from IT and provide advice and recommendations on the optimum planning, services, infrastructure, processes, etc. needed to meet expectations.

Design and Implementation

We can plan and implement cost effective IT networks and solutions needed to turn your organisation’s requirements into reality.

Changes and Upgrades

We can plan and manage changes and upgrades to your existing IT networks and solutions.

Business Continuity

We can develop and implement an IT business continuity plan to ensure your organisation continues to operate in the event of a loss of infrastructure or premises.         

Website Development       

We can advise on and implement your online strategy and web development.

IT Roles Definition

We can offer advice and profiling on internal role requirements to assist with your recruitment of IT personal.

Solution Partners

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AM Consultancy Limited
Rue D'Aval
St. Martin
Jersey, JE3 6ER
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 851635
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